The Role of Storytelling for UX in the Time of AI

Note: Anna will be presenting this topic remotely from Sweden. You can view this presentation on-screen with other interested participants in the Vashon room. It will also be streamed in the app and recorded. Anna will respond in real-time to any questions from the room or the chat.

Once upon a time we did the big reveal and drew lines to mark where the fold would be. Once upon a time we did specific layouts for different screen sizes and moved modules and elements around when designing our views. Some of that we still do. Some of that has changed, and some of what we’ll do as UX designers and how is about to change even more with advances in AI. But what does that mean for us as designers?

In this practical session, Anna shares a glimpse into the future and covers the 5 ways storytelling will help you in your role as a UX designer in the time of AI.

Design View Full Schedule
Interest Area: Design Date: February 28, 2024 Time: 10:30 am - 11:15 am photo of Anna Dahlstrom

Anna Dahlström
UX Designer • Story & UX AB