How AI is Revolutionizing User Experience

Insights Coming to the ConveyUX Conference

The field of user experience (UX) has witnessed a remarkable transformation in recent years, thanks to the rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI). At the forefront of this revolution, the ConveyUX conference brings together experts from many organizations and industries to discuss and explore the intersection of AI and UX design. This article takes a look at some of the key insights and trends to be shared by the speakers at the ConveyUX conference, shedding light on how AI is reshaping the principles of user experience.

ConveyUX takes place February 27-30 in-person in Seattle and online.

The Growing Influence of AI in UX Design

Over the past few decades, the internet has witnessed an exponential growth in the volume of content published online. As a result, users are increasingly relying on search and browsing to navigate through this vast sea of information. However, with the advent of AI models and technologies, new possibilities for interacting with websites have emerged.

Luke Wroblewski, a Feature speaker at the conference, will share his experience of how AI “ate” his website. He will discuss how AI models enable innovative ways of interacting with web content, going beyond traditional search and browsing methods. These AI models can process various types of content, including articles, videos, images, and PDFs, providing users with more personalized and relevant experiences.

AI-Assisted Work and Large Language Models

Another significant topic discussed at the conference was the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) and their potential to assist humans with common tasks. This development has further transformed the way we work and collaborate. Dona Sarkar, from the Microsoft AI and Copilot Extensibility Program, will open Day 3 of the conference and highlight the goal of making AI useful for businesses worldwide. Through Microsoft’s AI and Copilot programs, Sarkar aims to empower individuals to reason over their own data and leverage AI to enhance their productivity.

The session led by Sarkar will focus on the latest findings from Microsoft’s WorkLab study and the evolving trends in AI-assisted work. By utilizing AI effectively, individuals can streamline their workflows, automate repetitive tasks, and tap into the vast resources of knowledge available online.

Augmenting Human Creativity with Generative AI

Brooke Hopper, a principal designer at Adobe, will share valuable insights into the role of UX designers in the development of generative AI tools. These tools aim to augment human creativity and empower designers to create innovative and captivating experiences. Hopper will discuss the design process behind Adobe Firefly, a generative AI tool, and share her perspective on how generative AI will impact creative work in the future.

The integration of generative AI in the design process opens up new possibilities for creating unique and personalized experiences. By leveraging AI, designers can harness the power of automation and data-driven insights to enhance their creative output and deliver more engaging products.

Cultural Diversity and Inclusive UX Design

As AI continues to revolutionize technology, the importance of crafting inclusive and empathetic user experiences becomes paramount. Sayena Majlesein, a senior design lead at Microsoft, will share her personal experiences of the impact of cultural diversity on user interaction.

In this thought-provoking talk, Sayena proposes an innovative approach to integrating AI into UX design, with a strong focus on incorporating global perspectives. This would emphasize the significance of understanding cultural nuances, language variations, and regional customs to avoid exclusionary or alienating experiences.

The Evolving Landscape of UX Design with AI

Sindhu Narasimhan will provide valuable insights into the evolving landscape of UX design in the context of rapid advancements in AI. She will emphasize how AI is reshaping the principles of user experience design, leading to more intuitive product designs, personalized user experiences, and enhanced user interfaces.

The integration of AI in UX design promises to redefine user engagement and satisfaction in the digital age. By leveraging AI technologies, designers can create more intelligent and context-aware interfaces that cater to individual user preferences and deliver seamless user experiences.

Join the Conversation in Seattle or Online

As AI continues to transform technology, the field of user experience design is undergoing a significant evolution. The ConveyUX conference provides a platform for experts to share insights and trends in the integration of AI and UX design. From the impact of AI models on web interactions to the augmentation of human creativity through generative AI, the conference highlights the immense potential of AI in shaping user experiences.

Tickets are on sale now for the in-person Seattle and Virtual Experiences.