Elizabeth Churchill
Senior Director of UX • Google
San Francisco, California
Dr Elizabeth Churchill is a Senior Director of UX at Google. She Co-Chairs Google’s UX Leadership Council (UXLC), and co-founded Google’s UXR Steering Committee which she co-chaired for 2 years. Elizabeth holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge and honorary doctorates from the University of Sussex and the University of Stockholm. She is a member of the Association for Computer Machinery’s (ACM) CHI Academy, is an ACM Fellow and an ACM Distinguished Speaker. Elizabeth is a visiting professor at Imperial College’s Dyson School of Design Engineering in London, is an advisory board member for the Pardee RAND Graduate School and for the Flickr Foundation (flickr.org). She recently took up a position as Co-Editor in Chief of ACM’s Interactions magazine. In 2016, she received a Citris-Banatao Institute Award Athena Award for Women in Technology. In 2023, she received ACM SIGCHI’s Lifetime Service Award.