Navigating Evaluative Methods Choices in the Intersection of Domains: A Case Study in Audio Research

In this talk, we’ll explore the challenges and opportunities of navigating evaluative methods choices when working at the intersection of different domains. We’ll use the audio domain as a case study, examining how traditional UX research methods (such as surveys and repeated-measures lab experiments) both differ from, but can be integrated with domain-specific methods like listening tests to measure audio quality and preference. We’ll discuss strategies for balancing factors that may impact the reception of results, such as audience familiarity with and preference for certain methods, while also considering questions around study design and methodology. By the end of the talk, participants will have gained insights into how to approach methods choices when working with researchers from other domains, and will have learned more about the history and preferred methods of listening tests in the audio domain.

Research View Full Schedule
Interest Area: Research Date: February 25, 2025 Time: 2:30 pm - 3:15 pm photo of Madeline Huberth

Madeline Huberth
UX Research Scientist • Meta, Inc.