Marianne Sweeny
Daedalus Information Systems
Daedalus Information Systems • Seattle, Washington
A deep passion for technology, accompanied by a complete ineptitude at programming, brought Marianne Sweeny to search engine optimization while studying Information Science at the University of Washington. Spring finds her teaching a graduate-level course Introduction to Information Retrieval that covers the mechanics as well as social and geopolitical search landscapes. Marianne has worked in-house, at agencies and from her own company, Daedalus Information Systems.
She served as senior strategist at Portent Inc, a search-focused agency and started the search practice at Ascentium, a worldwide digital agency that is sadly no longer with us. As a Web producer at Microsoft, she acquired technical skills for online properties and co-founded Microsoft Information Architects, a 300 member, company-wide, cross-discipline community that continues to evangelize the best practices of IA within the company.