Jennifer Romano Bergstrom
Fors Marsh Group
Facebook • San Francisco, California
Jennifer joined Facebook in January, where she studies the user experience of Facebook products across cultures. Prior to joining Facebook, Jennifer was the UX Project Leader at Fors Marsh Group, where she led a team of highly-skilled UX researchers. Prior to joining Fors Marsh Group, Jen studied age-related differences in Internet performance at the US Census Bureau. Jen has used numerous UX testing methods to understand users’ interactions with products for clients such as the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Nielsen, the VA, and FEMA. Jen has presented research at numerous national and international conferences and publishes in peer-reviewed journals, including International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Journal of Usability Studies, Survey Practice, Applied Cognitive Psychology, and Memory. Jennifer also co-authored a book entitled ‘Eye Tracking in User Experience Design’ in 2014 and is working on a new book, ‘Usability Testing for Survey Research.’ Jennifer teaches UX courses for government agencies, academia, and General Assembly, she is the Director of Marketing and Communications for the User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA), and she is past President of the DC Chapter of the User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA DC) and the DC Chapter of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (DC-AAPOR). Jennifer received a Ph.D. and M.A. in Applied/Experimental Psychology from The Catholic University of America and a B.A. in Psychology from Central Connecticut State University.