Danielle Malik
General Assembly
General Assembly
After nearly 15 years in the industry, watching (and sometimes shaping) the Great Design Revolution, Danielle has learned a few lessons. And she has a few stories to tell.
Before Danielle started teaching at General Assembly, she was a Product Design Manager at Facebook, leading projects in the Commerce group. Prior to that, she led the UX team at the fabulous but now sadly closed Hot Studio, a design consultancy in San Francisco. Over her career she has found inspiration in collaboration, helping companies large and small embrace new technologies, define product strategies, and craft approaches to great user experiences.
Danielle is chronically active in the UX community, planning and organizing professional events and conferences. She founded the IxDA San Francisco chapter in 2008, which today stands at over 4000 members, and she currently sits on the Board of Directors for IxDA.
Danielle also raises children and chickens, with varying degrees of success.